Biological Monitoring | Workplace Services | OH Well

Biological Monitoring

Health & Safety

Health & SafetyBiological Monitoring

OH Well are specialized in assisting you meet your obligations in measuring and monitoring the effects of chemicals and other substances that can be detrimental to workers health. The occupational health nurse can provide good communication between the workplace and OH Well can contract the services of recognised and qualified occupational hygienists.

We can arrange the following services:

  • Collection of urine / blood samples to monitor employees’ exposure to:
    • Lead
    • Organophosphates
    • Arsenic
    • Chromium
    • Cadmium
  • Noise (spot noise readings and dosimetry)
  • Dust (including inhalable and respirable)
  • Solvents and fumes
  • Asbestos
  • Reports will include exposures measured against the Workplace Exposure Standards
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